• 13.02.20, 14:00
Tähelepanu! Artikkel on enam kui 5 aastat vana ning kuulub väljaande digitaalsesse arhiivi. Väljaanne ei uuenda ega kaasajasta arhiveeritud sisu, mistõttu võib olla vajalik kaasaegsete allikatega tutvumine

eAgronom expands its independent agribusiness advisory service to Latvia and Poland

Farm management software provider eAgronom releases independent artificial intelligence-assisted agribusiness advisory service called AIA in Latvia and Poland.
eAgronom expands its independent agribusiness advisory service to Latvia and Poland
  • Foto: eAgronom
In a few months since AIA-s launch in Estonia, the service has raised its client base to more than 10 major clients. “Because the AIA project was a success in Estonia we decided to branch out to Latvia and Poland to broaden our reach,” said eAgronom’s COO Stenver Jerkku.
AIA or Agribusiness Intelligence Advisory is an artificial intelligence-assisted service, which combines technology with decades of on-field experience of agronomists. AIA gives farmers the opportunity to discuss company decisions like crop rotation, fertilization plan, budget with independent advisors. The advisors use artificial intelligence tools to help them make decisions and give better advice.
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Startup Estonia manager Maarika Truu
  • 11.02.20, 16:38
A thousand startups in Estonia according to Startup Database
According to the CEO of eAgronom Robin Saluoks, the consultants are fully independent. “AIA doesn’t have any conflict-of-interest when giving advice – we don’t earn based on the number of inputs farmers purchase. AIA looks at the farmer’s business as a whole and focuses on the business’ profit, not just the yield - it helps the farmer achieve more with what he or she already has,” said Saluoks.
eAgronom is an Estonian startup that was founded in 2016. eAgronom provides farm management software for grain producers, which simplifies the farmer's paperwork and suggests ways to make farmer's work and planning easier. Today eAgronom operates in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Czech Republic.
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  • ST
  • 29.01.25, 16:03
UI/UX disain ja AI tööriistad loovad paremat kasutajakogemust
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