Sales CRM company Pipedrive is closing all of its offices around the world on Monday to slow down the spread of COVID-19 and cancel business trips and events that require physical presence. All of the company's nearly 640 employees continue to work remotely.

- Pipedrive office in Tallinn. Foto: Liis Treimann
Timo Rein, CEO and co-founder of
Pipedrive, said that Pipedrive decided to minimize the work-related social contact of its employees to protect them and their families. At the same time, it is important for the company to adapt its work processes so that they would be less dependent on the constraints of the environment and to contribute to slowing down the global spread of the virus. “We want our customers to continue to receive the best products and services in difficult times, and we want to help reduce the spread of the virus. We hope that the situation will return to normal in the near future.”
Although moving an entire business to home offices will require some changes in work organization and processes, Rein says that it is unlikely to have a significant impact on the company, as most things can be done at Pipedrive without going to the office.
"Employees are used to doing their jobs anyway via computer and video calls, because colleagues and customers are located all over the world. Nothing will change for the company's over 90,000 customers,” Rein said. Pipedrive helps employees with the means to continue work at home smoothly.
Pipedrive and the entire technology sector is used to adapting to a rapidly changing environment. "The format and processes of our work allow us to work from virtually anywhere as long as there is good internet connection," Rein told Äripäev and added that some workflows, like recruiting and onboarding, need to be customized for remote work. Also previously scheduled face-to-face meetings and business trips have been cancelled.
Pipedrive has nine offices in seven countries and what is happening in those countries is closely monitored. According to Rein, the emergency orders and restrictions have not directly affected Pipedrive, as they restricted professional travel of their employees before the state restrictions were announced.
Pipedrive is a sales management software company founded in 2010 in Estonia. Today, Pipedrive's sales tools are used by over 90,000 companies in more than 150 countries and the company has raised $90 million in investments. Pipedrive has offices in Tallinn, Tartu, London, Lisbon, Prague, Riga, Dublin, New York and Tampa / St. Pete in Florida. The fast growing company employs over 630 people.
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