• 18.05.23, 09:00

PitchME: Scorestars

  • Tarmo Virki
PitchME: Scorestars

In the E2 Marek Kesküll pitches sports startup Scorestars.

Basketball-focused startup was formerly known as Cryplect.

PitchME by FoundME is a podcast where interesting startups take the stage and pitch to the world. Launch partner for the podcast is Tehnopol Startup Incubator.

FoundME podcastis PitchME on laval korraga üks startup Eestist või kaugemalt, kes esitab maailmale oma liftikõne ja vastab toimetaja küsimustele. Sarja toetab Tehnopol Startup Inkubaator.

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