• 31.01.20, 19:38
Tähelepanu! Artikkel on enam kui 5 aastat vana ning kuulub väljaande digitaalsesse arhiivi. Väljaanne ei uuenda ega kaasajasta arhiveeritud sisu, mistõttu võib olla vajalik kaasaegsete allikatega tutvumine

sTARTUp Day Pitching TOP 7

sTARTUp Day Pitching contest saw some fierce competition. 32 teams competed for an investment of up to € 250 000 by a pool of investors led by EstBAN.
sTARTUp Day.
  • sTARTUp Day. Foto: Kiur Kaasik
TOP 7 of the contest include:
Gridio (Estonia)
GridIO is an automated demand response platform that generates revenue to households by adjusting the electricity consumption of electrical devices without homeowners noticing any discomfort to their daily lives.
A StarTrek typeof medical facility that creates „cold plasma“ – a bioactive blue-coloured ionated gas, which will help heal cronic wounds and killing „superbugs“.
PayQin (United Kingdom)
PayQin isa n e-wallet with built-in virtuaal Visa-card that Works with mobiile money. It allows to pay and receive payments through our mobiile application, leaving out traditional banks.
Lumebot (Estonia)
Lumebot’s autonomous street cleaning robots are more than 10 times cheaper to produce than the heavy machinery used today. It can keep parking lots, sidewalks and walkways clean 24/7.
Edumus (Estonia)
Edumus helps working specialists teach classes in schools. It is a šelf-development programm learning and practicing management and training skills.
Jeff App (Latvia)
In case of missing traditional credit data Jeff uses any existing data: metadata of a device, geographic location, contact information, behavioral habits, third party data, etc, creating alternatiive credit scores to help people with difficulties getting a loan from a bank.
autom8 (Estonia)
Designed and developed by Autom8, 52 Hertz uses natural language processing for source code analysis. This is a holistic and revolutionary process to secure applications in real time whatever the code size is. Their engine finds vulnerabilities in large code bases in seconds.
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Seotud lood

  • ST
  • 29.01.25, 16:03
UI/UX disain ja AI tööriistad loovad paremat kasutajakogemust
Tänapäeval ei piisa pelgalt ilusast välimusest – tõeliselt edukad digilahendused peavad olema samas ka kasutajasõbralikud, toimivad ja esteetilised.

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